Necessary Facilities |
Space, power supply, internet/intranet connectivity, other equipment, tech-manpower (for local maintenance) etc |
Innovation Space |
TCOE India, Start-ups, OEMs/TSPs, DoT field units etc |
Payment |
Contribution to TCIL |
Ownership |
Safety, security & utilization |
Utilization |
Use cases/products/IPs - testing & developments |
Knowledge Dissemination |
Updating 5G use cases being tested/developed |
Local Access |
Other Institutions, Students & Start-ups |
Repository Update |
R&D activities, experts, IPRs etc. |
Events Support |
Hackathons/workshops/Trainings etc. |
Collaboration |
Participation |
Sanchar Mitra scheme, 6G R&D, Experts registration, etc. |
Members of Testing team |
Spectrum for R&D |
Experimental Licence through SaralSanchar Portal |